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Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

tugas softskill

1.     definition of Business letter (theory) !

Business letters - theory

The term “business letters” refers to any written communication that begins with a salutation, ends with a signature and whose contents are professional in nature. There are many standard types of business letters, and each of them has a specific focus.
A business letter is usually a letter from one company to another, or between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. The overall style of letter depends on the relationship between the parties concerned. Business letters can have many types of contents, for example to request direct information or action from another party, to order supplies from a supplier, to point out a mistake by the letter's recipient, to reply directly to a request, to apologize for a wrong, or to convey goodwill. A business letter is sometimes useful because it produces a permanent written record, and may be taken more seriously by the recipient than other forms of communication
Source :

2. Mention The types, The parts, The styles of Business letter !

·        The Types

Sales Letters
Typical sales letters start off with a very strong statement to capture the interest of the reader. Since the purpose is to get the reader to do something, these letters include strong calls to action, detail the benefit to the reader of taking the action and include information to help the reader to act, such as including a telephone number or website link.

Order Letters
Order letters are sent by consumers or businesses to a manufacturer, retailer or wholesaler to order goods or services. These letters must contain specific information such as model number, name of the product, the quantity desired and expected price. Payment is sometimes included with the letter.

Complaint Letters
The words and tone you choose to use in a letter complaining to a business may be the deciding factor on whether your complaint is satisfied. Be direct but tactful and always use a professional tone if you want the company to listen to you.

Adjustment Letters
An adjustment letter is normally sent in response to a claim or complaint. If the adjustment is in the customer’s favor, begin the letter with that news. If not, keep your tone factual and let the customer know that you understand the complaint.

Inquiry Letters
Inquiry letters ask a question or elicit information from the recipient. When composing this type of letter, keep it clear and succinct and list exactly what information you need. Be sure to include your contact information so that it is easy for the reader to respond.

Follow-Up Letter
Follow-up letters are usually sent after some type of initial communication. This could be a sales department thanking a customer for an order, a businessman reviewing the outcome of a meeting or a job seeker inquiring about the status of his application. In many cases, these letters are a combination thank-you note and sales letter.

Letters of Recommendation
Prospective employers often ask job applicants for letters of recommendation before they hire them. This type of letter is usually from a previous employer or professor, and it describes the sender’s relationship with and opinion of the job seeker.

Acknowledgment Letters
Acknowledgment letters act as simple receipts. Businesses send them to let others know that they have received a prior communication, but action may or may not have taken place.

Cover Letter
Cover letters usually accompany a package, report or other merchandise. They are used to describe what is enclosed, why it is being sent and what the recipient should do with it, if there is any action that needs to be taken. These types of letters are generally very short and succinct.

Letters of Resignation
When an employee plans to leave his job, a letter of resignation is usually sent to his immediate manager giving him notice and letting him know when the last day of employment will be. In many cases, the employee also will detail his reason for leaving the company.
Source :

·        The Parts

-         The Heading (The Retern Address) or Letterhead - Companies usually use printed paper where heading or letterhead is specially designed at the top of the sheet. It bears all the necessary information about the organisation’s identity.

-         Date - Date of writing. The month should be fully spelled out and the year written with all four digits October 12, 2005
(12 October 2005 - UK style). The date is aligned with the return address. The number of the date is pronounced as an ordinal figure, though the endings st, nd, rd, th, are often omitted in writing. The article before the number of the day is pronounced but not written. In the body of the letter, however, the article is written when the name of the month is not mentioned with the day.

-         The Inside Address - In a business or formal letter you should give the address of the recipient after your own address. Include the recipient's name, company, address and postal code. Add job title if appropriate. Separate the recipient's name and title with a comma. Double check that you have the correct spelling of the recipient 's name.

The Inside Address is always on the left margin. If an 8 1/2" x 11" paper is folded in thirds to fit in a standard 9" business envelope, the inside address can appear through the window in the envelope.

-         The Greeting - Also called the salutation. The type of salutation depends on your relationship with the recipient. It normally begins with the word "Dear" and always includes the person's last name. Use every resource possible to address your letter to an actual person. If you do not know the name or the sex of of your reciever address it to Dear Madam/Sir (or Dear Sales Manager or Dear Human Resources Director). As a general rule the greeting in a business letter ends in a colon (US style). It is also acceptable to use a comma (UK style).

-         The Subject Line (optional) - Its inclusion can help the recipient in dealing successfully with the aims of your letter. Normally the subject sentence is preceded with the word Subject: orRe: Subject line may be emphasized by underlining, using bold font, or all captial letters. It is usually placed one line below the greeting but alternatively can be located directly after the "inside address," before the "greeting."

-         The Body Paragraphs - The body is where you explain why you’re writing. It’s the main part of the business letter. Make sure the receiver knows who you are and why you are writing but try to avoid starting with "I". Use a new paragraph when you wish to introduce a new idea or element into your letter. Depending on the letter style you choose, paragraphs may be indented. Regardless of format, skip a line between paragraphs.

-         The Complimentary Close - This short, polite closing ends always with a comma. It is either at the left margin or its left edge is in the center, depending on the Business Letter Style that you use. It begins at the same column the heading does. The traditional rule of etiquette in Britain is that a formal letter starting "Dear Sir or Madam" must end "Yours faithfully", while a letter starting "Dear " must end "Yours sincerely". (Note: the second word of the closing is NOT capitalized)

-         Signature and Writer’s identification - The signature is the last part of the letter. You should sign your first and last names. The signature line may include a second line for a title, if appropriate. The signature should start directly above the first letter of the signature line in the space between the close and the signature line. Use blue or black ink.

-         Initials, Enclosures, Copies - Initials are to be included if someone other than the writer types the letter. If you include other material in the letter, put 'Enclosure', 'Enc.', or ' Encs. ', as appropriate, two lines below the last entry. cc means a copy or copies are sent to someone else.
·        The Types

Sales Letters
Typical sales letters start off with a very strong statement to capture the interest of the reader. Since the purpose is to get the reader to do something, these letters include strong calls to action, detail the benefit to the reader of taking the action and include information to help the reader to act, such as including a telephone number or website link.

Order Letters
Order letters are sent by consumers or businesses to a manufacturer, retailer or wholesaler to order goods or services. These letters must contain specific information such as model number, name of the product, the quantity desired and expected price. Payment is sometimes included with the letter.

Complaint Letters
The words and tone you choose to use in a letter complaining to a business may be the deciding factor on whether your complaint is satisfied. Be direct but tactful and always use a professional tone if you want the company to listen to you.

Adjustment Letters
An adjustment letter is normally sent in response to a claim or complaint. If the adjustment is in the customer’s favor, begin the letter with that news. If not, keep your tone factual and let the customer know that you understand the complaint.

Inquiry Letters
Inquiry letters ask a question or elicit information from the recipient. When composing this type of letter, keep it clear and succinct and list exactly what information you need. Be sure to include your contact information so that it is easy for the reader to respond.

Follow-Up Letter
Follow-up letters are usually sent after some type of initial communication. This could be a sales department thanking a customer for an order, a businessman reviewing the outcome of a meeting or a job seeker inquiring about the status of his application. In many cases, these letters are a combination thank-you note and sales letter.

Letters of Recommendation
Prospective employers often ask job applicants for letters of recommendation before they hire them. This type of letter is usually from a previous employer or professor, and it describes the sender’s relationship with and opinion of the job seeker.

Acknowledgment Letters
Acknowledgment letters act as simple receipts. Businesses send them to let others know that they have received a prior communication, but action may or may not have taken place.

Cover Letter
Cover letters usually accompany a package, report or other merchandise. They are used to describe what is enclosed, why it is being sent and what the recipient should do with it, if there is any action that needs to be taken. These types of letters are generally very short and succinct.

Letters of Resignation
When an employee plans to leave his job, a letter of resignation is usually sent to his immediate manager giving him notice and letting him know when the last day of employment will be. In many cases, the employee also will detail his reason for leaving the company.
Source :

3. Give One example of Business letter !

Letter of Invitation

PJ Party
22 Yew Street, Cambridge, Ontario
Tel: 416-223-8900
April 7th, 20--
Dear Valued Customer:
Our records show that you have been a customer of PJ Party Inc. since our grand opening last year. We would like to thank you for your business by inviting you to our preferred customer Spring Extravaganza this Saturday.
Saturday's sales event is by invitation only. All of our stock, including pajamas and bedding will be marked down from 50-80% off.* Doors open at 9:00 AM sharp. Complimentary coffee and donuts will be served. Public admission will commence at noon.
In addition, please accept the enclosed $10 gift certificate to use with your purchase of $75 or more.
We look forward to seeing you at PJ's on Saturday. Please bring this invitation with you and present it at the door.
Linda Lane
Linda Lane
Store Manager
*All sales are final. No exchanges.
Enclosure: Gift Certificate #345 (not redeemable for cash)

Source :

universitas gunadarma

Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

Types, parts, and styles of business letter

·        The Types

Sales Letters
Typical sales letters start off with a very strong statement to capture the interest of the reader. Since the purpose is to get the reader to do something, these letters include strong calls to action, detail the benefit to the reader of taking the action and include information to help the reader to act, such as including a telephone number or website link.

Order Letters
Order letters are sent by consumers or businesses to a manufacturer, retailer or wholesaler to order goods or services. These letters must contain specific information such as model number, name of the product, the quantity desired and expected price. Payment is sometimes included with the letter.

Complaint Letters
The words and tone you choose to use in a letter complaining to a business may be the deciding factor on whether your complaint is satisfied. Be direct but tactful and always use a professional tone if you want the company to listen to you.

Adjustment Letters
An adjustment letter is normally sent in response to a claim or complaint. If the adjustment is in the customer’s favor, begin the letter with that news. If not, keep your tone factual and let the customer know that you understand the complaint.

Inquiry Letters
Inquiry letters ask a question or elicit information from the recipient. When composing this type of letter, keep it clear and succinct and list exactly what information you need. Be sure to include your contact information so that it is easy for the reader to respond.

Follow-Up Letter
Follow-up letters are usually sent after some type of initial communication. This could be a sales department thanking a customer for an order, a businessman reviewing the outcome of a meeting or a job seeker inquiring about the status of his application. In many cases, these letters are a combination thank-you note and sales letter.

Letters of Recommendation
Prospective employers often ask job applicants for letters of recommendation before they hire them. This type of letter is usually from a previous employer or professor, and it describes the sender’s relationship with and opinion of the job seeker.

Acknowledgment Letters
Acknowledgment letters act as simple receipts. Businesses send them to let others know that they have received a prior communication, but action may or may not have taken place.

Cover Letter
Cover letters usually accompany a package, report or other merchandise. They are used to describe what is enclosed, why it is being sent and what the recipient should do with it, if there is any action that needs to be taken. These types of letters are generally very short and succinct.

Letters of Resignation
When an employee plans to leave his job, a letter of resignation is usually sent to his immediate manager giving him notice and letting him know when the last day of employment will be. In many cases, the employee also will detail his reason for leaving the company.
Source :

·        The Parts

-         The Heading (The Retern Address) or Letterhead - Companies usually use printed paper where heading or letterhead is specially designed at the top of the sheet. It bears all the necessary information about the organisation’s identity.

-         Date - Date of writing. The month should be fully spelled out and the year written with all four digits October 12, 2005
(12 October 2005 - UK style). The date is aligned with the return address. The number of the date is pronounced as an ordinal figure, though the endings st, nd, rd, th, are often omitted in writing. The article before the number of the day is pronounced but not written. In the body of the letter, however, the article is written when the name of the month is not mentioned with the day.

-         The Inside Address - In a business or formal letter you should give the address of the recipient after your own address. Include the recipient's name, company, address and postal code. Add job title if appropriate. Separate the recipient's name and title with a comma. Double check that you have the correct spelling of the recipient 's name.

The Inside Address is always on the left margin. If an 8 1/2" x 11" paper is folded in thirds to fit in a standard 9" business envelope, the inside address can appear through the window in the envelope.

-         The Greeting - Also called the salutation. The type of salutation depends on your relationship with the recipient. It normally begins with the word "Dear" and always includes the person's last name. Use every resource possible to address your letter to an actual person. If you do not know the name or the sex of of your reciever address it to Dear Madam/Sir (or Dear Sales Manager or Dear Human Resources Director). As a general rule the greeting in a business letter ends in a colon (US style). It is also acceptable to use a comma (UK style).

-         The Subject Line (optional) - Its inclusion can help the recipient in dealing successfully with the aims of your letter. Normally the subject sentence is preceded with the word Subject: orRe: Subject line may be emphasized by underlining, using bold font, or all captial letters. It is usually placed one line below the greeting but alternatively can be located directly after the "inside address," before the "greeting."

-         The Body Paragraphs - The body is where you explain why you’re writing. It’s the main part of the business letter. Make sure the receiver knows who you are and why you are writing but try to avoid starting with "I". Use a new paragraph when you wish to introduce a new idea or element into your letter. Depending on the letter style you choose, paragraphs may be indented. Regardless of format, skip a line between paragraphs.

-         The Complimentary Close - This short, polite closing ends always with a comma. It is either at the left margin or its left edge is in the center, depending on the Business Letter Style that you use. It begins at the same column the heading does. The traditional rule of etiquette in Britain is that a formal letter starting "Dear Sir or Madam" must end "Yours faithfully", while a letter starting "Dear " must end "Yours sincerely". (Note: the second word of the closing is NOT capitalized)

-         Signature and Writer’s identification - The signature is the last part of the letter. You should sign your first and last names. The signature line may include a second line for a title, if appropriate. The signature should start directly above the first letter of the signature line in the space between the close and the signature line. Use blue or black ink.

-         Initials, Enclosures, Copies - Initials are to be included if someone other than the writer types the letter. If you include other material in the letter, put 'Enclosure', 'Enc.', or ' Encs. ', as appropriate, two lines below the last entry. cc means a copy or copies are sent to someone else.

American Style
British Style
According to the format but
usually aligned to the left
The heading is usually placed
in the top right corner of the letter
(sometimes centred)
October 19, 2005 (month-day-year)
According to the format but usually
aligned to the left
(two lines below the heading)
19 October 2005 (day-month-year)
Usually placed directly (or 1 blank line)
below the heading.
Dear Mr./Ms. Smith:
Dear Sir or Madam:
After the salutation there is a colon (:)
Dear Mr./Ms. Smith,
Dear Sir or Madam,
Dear Sirs,
After the salutation there is a comma (,)
Complimentary close
Sincerely yours,
Yours truly,
Yours sincerely,
Yours faithfully,

Source :

·        The Types

Sales Letters
Typical sales letters start off with a very strong statement to capture the interest of the reader. Since the purpose is to get the reader to do something, these letters include strong calls to action, detail the benefit to the reader of taking the action and include information to help the reader to act, such as including a telephone number or website link.

Order Letters
Order letters are sent by consumers or businesses to a manufacturer, retailer or wholesaler to order goods or services. These letters must contain specific information such as model number, name of the product, the quantity desired and expected price. Payment is sometimes included with the letter.

Complaint Letters
The words and tone you choose to use in a letter complaining to a business may be the deciding factor on whether your complaint is satisfied. Be direct but tactful and always use a professional tone if you want the company to listen to you.

Adjustment Letters
An adjustment letter is normally sent in response to a claim or complaint. If the adjustment is in the customer’s favor, begin the letter with that news. If not, keep your tone factual and let the customer know that you understand the complaint.

Inquiry Letters
Inquiry letters ask a question or elicit information from the recipient. When composing this type of letter, keep it clear and succinct and list exactly what information you need. Be sure to include your contact information so that it is easy for the reader to respond.

Follow-Up Letter
Follow-up letters are usually sent after some type of initial communication. This could be a sales department thanking a customer for an order, a businessman reviewing the outcome of a meeting or a job seeker inquiring about the status of his application. In many cases, these letters are a combination thank-you note and sales letter.

Letters of Recommendation
Prospective employers often ask job applicants for letters of recommendation before they hire them. This type of letter is usually from a previous employer or professor, and it describes the sender’s relationship with and opinion of the job seeker.

Acknowledgment Letters
Acknowledgment letters act as simple receipts. Businesses send them to let others know that they have received a prior communication, but action may or may not have taken place.

Cover Letter
Cover letters usually accompany a package, report or other merchandise. They are used to describe what is enclosed, why it is being sent and what the recipient should do with it, if there is any action that needs to be taken. These types of letters are generally very short and succinct.

Letters of Resignation
When an employee plans to leave his job, a letter of resignation is usually sent to his immediate manager giving him notice and letting him know when the last day of employment will be. In many cases, the employee also will detail his reason for leaving the company.
Source :


Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014


Analisa Debat Pertama Capres Dan Cawapres 2014

Dalam debat capres pertama ini ada beberapa catatan yang menarik. Pertama, tema “Pembangunan Demokrasi Pemerintahan Yang Bersih Dan Kepastian Hukum” debat kali ini tema yang menguntungkan Jokowi-JK. Jokowi berpengalaman menjadi kepala daerah dan JK berpengalaman menjadi wakil presiden. Dalam debat ini terlihat bagaimana Jokowi fasih berbicara, tidak hanya tentang visi misi, tetapi juga strategi kongkrit untuk mengatasi persoalan. Ketika ditanya tentang tidak sinkronnya kebijakan pusat dan daerah, Jokowi menjawab dengan mudah bahwa masalahnya terdapat di politik anggaran. Begitu juga pertanyaan terkait pemilukada.

Sebaliknya, tema ini kurang menguntungkan kubu Prabowo-Hatta. Walaupun Hatta tampil sangat baik dalam menjawab dan menguraikan persoalan, waktu sering kali lebih didominasi Prabowo yang banyak berbicara tentang retorika. Selain itu, tema terkait kepastian hukum akan menyudutkan Prabowo terkait peristiwa 1998.

Kedua, pertanyaan yang dilontarkan masing-masing kandidat tidak seimbang. Pertanyaan dari Prabowo terkait pemilukada yang menelan biaya besar sampai 13 trilyun, sangat mudah dijawab oleh Jokowi yang telah sembilan tahun menjadi kepala daerah. Parahnya lagi, jawaban Jokowi-Hatta bukan dibalikkan oleh Hatta yang justru malah mengamini jawaban kubu seberang. Pada pertanyaan terkait syarat dan kriteria pemekaran, Prabowo justru memberikan kata-kata kunci seperti jumlah penduduk, luas wilayah, kemampuan ekonomi daerah, yang membantu Jokowi menjawabnya.

Sebaliknya, JK menanyakan pertanyaan yang menohok Prabowo terkait pelanggaran HAM yang sudah menjadi kampanye negatif sejak awal deklarasi. Pertanyaan yang sama sudah diajukan moderator dalam format yang lain yang tidak dijawab Prabowo. Sayangnya, Prabowo terlihat emosional menjawab pertanyaan “mudah” ini. Suaranya bergetar cukup terasa sehingga Jokowi meredamnya dengan mengatakan Prabowo terlalu bersemangat. Pertanyaan terkait HAM untuk Prabowo adalah pertanyaan yang sudah diajukan ratusan kali dan hampir pasti akan diajukan dalam debat capres. Seharusnya, Prabowo dapat dengan mudah menjawab pertanyaan ini. Untungnya, Prabowo tampak cepat kembali menurunkan emosinya ke level normal.

Ketiga, Jokowi terlihat lebih melakukan persiapan dibandingkan Prabowo. Bahkan, terlihat jelas bagaimana “contekan” Jokowi terpampang cukup lama diluar jasnya. Belakangan ramai di twitter yang mengatakan itu adalah contekan doa Jokowi dari ibu, padahal ukuran kertasnya terlihat berbeda. Pada sesi terakhir saat pidato penutup, Jokowi bahkan membaca baris demi baris kertas contekannya. Sebaliknya, tim Prabowo kurang bisa menghadirkan pertanyaan yang “menggigit” untuk kubu Jokowi. Salah satu blunder terbesar Prabowo ketika dia mengatakan akan kembali ke UUD tgl 18 Agustus 1945. Hal ini jelas mencederai semangat reformasi. UUD sebelum amandemen pernah digunakan Sukarno tahun 1959-1965 dan Suharto 1966-1998 untuk menjalankan pemerintahan otoriter.

Prabowo sebenarnya punya keunggulan potensial dibandingkan Jokowi. Dengan basis pendidikan modern, seperti terlihat di berbagai wawancara dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, Prabowo lebih bisa menyajikan gagasannya secara lebih terstruktur dan komprehensif dibanding Jokowi. Sejak masih muda, Prabowo sudah dilatih untuk berbicara di depan publik, misalnya sejak berpangkat letnan dua pada usia 20an, Prabowo sudah berbicara dengan anak buahnya yang pangkatnya lebih rendah, paling tidak dalam apel-apel rutin. Pada saat itu, Jokowi masih sibuk dengan amplas, meja dan kursi.

Potensi dan kelebihan Prabowo inilah yang harusnya ditonjolkan dalam debat capres yang menjadi puncak bagi seluruh perjuangan politiknya selama ini. Sayangnya, modal dasar Prabowo seperti kurang muncul dalam debat pertama.

Jokowi sadar betul dengan kelemahannya yang tampil kurang meyakinkan di depan publik dan mendengarkan nasihat tim kampanyenya secara mendalam. Dia dan JK cukup efektif berbagi peran. JK menjadi penyerang Prabowo yang efektif sementara Jokowi lebih bertugas memaparkan ide dan gagasan.

Hanya saja, kampanye masih panjang. Materi debat tentang Ekonomi atau Ketahanan Nasional mungkin akan lebih menguntungkan Prabowo-Hatta karena pengalaman Prabowo di militer dan Hatta di ekonomi makro. Satu hal yang pasti, debat capres bukan hanya tentang bagaimana performa dan kapasitas individual pasangan capres dan cawapres tetapi juga memperlihatkan kesolidan tim kampanye masing-masing pasangan.

Kamis, 23 Januari 2014



Berikut cara memilih jas hujan yang benar agar terhindar dari kecelakaan di jalan:
1. Hindari jas hujan tanpa sambungan (ponco)
Jas hujan model ponco disinyalir menjadi jas hujan yang paling banyak menyebabkan kecelakaan. Hal ini dikarenakan bentuknya yang lebar dan memanjang kebelakang sehingga tidak menutupi bagian tubuh dengan baik. Bagian belakangnya yang kerap menjuntai saat diterpa angin bisa menyebabkan terganggunya pandangan pengendara yang ada di belakang, bahkan tak jarang juga bagian tepi jas hujan tersangkut di setang pengendara lain ataupun tersangkut di jeruji dan gir ban belakang motor.
 Oleh sebab itu disarankan bagi Anda untuk membeli jas hujan dengan model yang pas dengan badan atau sedikit lebih besar supaya tetap terasa longgar meskipun Anda mengenakan tas gemblok.

 2. Hindari jas hujan yang menggunakan jahitan
Hal berikutnya yang mesti Anda cermati saat memilih jas hujan adalah memastikan jas hujan tersebut menggunakan model sambungan yang di press, bukan yang menggunakan jahitan sebab meskipun bekas jahitan sepintas terlihat halus, namun bekas jahitan tetap akan meninggalkan rongga atau celah bagi air untuk bisa masuk ke dalam. Umumnya, sambungan jahitan seperti ini digunakan untuk jas hujan yang berbahan parasit. Hal inilah yang terkadang menjadi penyebab pakaian Anda tetap terasa basah dan lembab meskipun Anda telah mengenakan jas hujan.

3. Jas hujan yang baik adalah yang menggunakan bahan PVC (polyvinyl chloride)
Jas hujan yang menggunakan bahan ini bisa tetap kedap air meskipun disaat hujan lebat. Hal tersebut dikarenakan PVC memiliki pori-pori yang lebih rapat dan halus dibandingkan jas hujan yang berbahan parasut. Jas hujan parasut memang biasanya terdapat filamen atau semacam lapisan plastik tipis pada bagian dalamnya, akan tetapi akan habis terkikis dalam jangka waktu tertentu, terutama jika pemakaiannya intens.

4. Perhatikan kerapatan lipatan-lipatannya terutama bagian pangkal paha
Hampir bisa dipastikan setiap jas hujan rentan sobek pada bagian ini. Hal tersebut dikarenakan pangkal paha merupakan bagian yang paling banyak bergerak dibandingkan dengan bagian tubuh yang lain. Inilah yang menjadi penyebab utama bagian pangkal paha pada jas hujan kerap sobek setelah beberapa kali pemakaian. Nah, jadi perhatikan dengan teliti kerapatan serta kekuatan pres pada sambungan di bagian pangkal paha sebelum membeli.

5. Pastikan resleting terbuat dari bahan yang kuat
Selain pada bagian pangkal paha atau selangkangan, kerusakan jas hujan yang kerap terjadi adalah pada bagian retsletingnya. Jadi jika Anda ingin membeli sebuah jas hujan yang bisa berfungsi dengan baik, maka jangan pernah lupa untuk mengecek kekuatan retsleting yang terdapat pada jas hujan. Faktor lainnya yang tak jarang menjadi penyebab masalah kerusakan retsleting adalah menutup paksa retsleting akibat jas hujan sudah overload atau kelebihan muatan sebab digunakan untuk menutupi tas yang ada di bagian punggung. Oleh karenanya, agar jas hujan lebih awet, maka pilihlah jas hujan yang memiliki ukuran sedikit agak lebih besar sehingga Anda tetap bisa memasukkan barang bawaan Anda kedalamnya.

6. Pilihlah jas hujan yang berwarna warna terang/cerah

Selain fungsinya menjadi pembungkus yang melindungi Anda dari siraman hujan. Sedianya jas hujan yang baik juga menjadi faktor penunjang keselamatan saat berkendara di jalan. Jas hujan yang berwarna terang atau cerah tentunya akan lebih jelas terlihat, baik saat malam hari ataupun disaat hujan deras yang kerap mengganggu pandangan. Beberapa jas hujan kini juga telah menggunakan bahan yang memiliki kandungan fosfor atau scotlite sehingga akan memancarkan sinar apabila tersorot cahaya lampu. Dengan menggunakan jas hujan berwarna terang, maka otomatis pengendara lain akan menjadi lebih waspada terhadap keberadaan Anda.



Berikut tips mencuci motor sederhana yang dapat Anda lakukan di rumah Anda.
1. Siapkan ember untuk mencuci motor. Isilah dengan air dan masukkan shampoo khusus motor/kendaraan ke dalam air, sesuai dengan takaran yang direkomendasikan pada kemasan shampoo. Jangan berlebihan dan jangan pula kurang dari takaran normalnya.
2. Gunakanlah shampoo khusus kendaraan atau motor, karena shampoo ini paling tepat digunakan untuk menjaga kebersihan kendaraan. Jangan mengunakan detergent atau sabun cuci untuk mencuci body motor karena dapat merusak cat motor dan mengandung bahan yang keras. Namun, Anda dapat menggunakan sabun jenis lain untuk membersihkan bagian lain seperti ban, shock dan blok mesin.
3. Gunakan bahan yang lembut untuk mencuci motor. Hindari busa yang berpori kasar dan kecil-kecil karena dapat menyebabkan baret dan goresan pada body motor. Sebaiknya gunakan bahan seperti sea sponge, wool dan grout sponge untuk mencuci motor kesayangan Anda.
4. Sirami motor Anda, dilanjutkan dengan menyemprot kotoran-kotoran yang melekat pada body dan mesin agar kotoran hilang. Usaplah bagian motor dari atas hingga ke bagian lain dengan applicator yang direkomendasikan.

5. Lakukan siraman seperti diawal untuk mengakhiri proses mencuci motor secara manual. Pastikan motor Anda benar-benar bersih. Usap dan keringkan motor Anda. Hindari terkena sinar matahari langsung. Biasakanlah mencuci motor secara rutin agar kebersihan motor Anda selalu terawat dengan baik. Ingatlah, motor yang bersih melambangkan pemiliknya serta meningkatkan percaya diri Anda saat berkendara. 



Musim hujan merupakan perubahan cuaca dari panas ke hujan, kejadian ini membuat pengendara motor kesulitan saat berkendara. Turunnya hujan membuat jalan raya basah dan sering terjadinya banjir, yang tentunya hal ini menjadi masalah tersendiri bagi pengguna sepeda motor. Saat terjadi hujan atau banjir membuat sepeda motor tidak beroprasi seperti biasanya, sehingga sering kali terjadi mogok dan masalah lainnya. Genangan air biasanya sering mengakibatkan kecelakaan, sering terjadi kecelakaan saat jalanan licin karena sepeda motor sulit untuk dikendalikan saat terjadi hujan.

Berita terkini kini tentang cuaca adalah hal penting bagi Anda pengendara sepeda motor untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya hujan dan banjir. Jika cuaca akan hujan sebaiknya tidak keluar rumah apalagi membawa motor, berbahaya untuk kesehatan Anda dan mengurangi umur sepeda motor. Namun jika Anda mempunyai urusan yang sangat penting dan tidak bisa ditinggalkan tentunya masalah tersebut akan Anda lewati, tetapi kami akan memberi tips bagi anda yang ingin berkendara saat terjadi banjir dan hujan. Berikut ini merupakan cara dan tips Mengendarai motor saat hujan dan banjir.

Cara dan Tips Mengendarai Motor Saat Banjir dan Hujan

1. Hindari menambah kecepatan di awal hujan karena di waktu ini sering terjadi kecelakaan. Biasanya banyak pengendara mempercepat laju sepeda motor karena  ingin segera berteduh
2. Hindari perilaku ugal-ugalan saat awal hujan karena jalan licin, jumlah air masih sedikit membasahi debu di permukaan jalan
3. Selalu siapkan jaket atau jas hujan (hindari model ponco)
4. Periksa kondisi ban karena di musim hujan ulir ban sangat berpengaruh menjaga agar pengereman bekerja baik. Ganti ban kalau dirasa gundul
5. Berhentilah di tempat yang tidak menganggu para pengendara lain



Sebelum berangkat touring, alangkah baiknya jika segala sesuatunya sudah dipersiapkan dengan matang. Termasuk kondisi fisik, waktu, biaya, serta kondisi kendaraan yang akan digunakan. Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang sebaiknya Anda siapkan sebelum melaksanakan touring.
Yang paling pertama tentu adalah kendaraan harus dalam kondisi prima. Periksa keadaan luar motor secara menyeluruh, mulai lampu depan, rem, lampu rem, roda, baut, oli, bahkan baut pun harus dipastikan terpasang dengan kuat.
Selanjutnya, sebelum berangkat touring servis dulu motor Anda. Jangan lupa pula untuk memeriksa kondisi pengapian dan pelumas mesin. Kondisi aki juga jangan ketinggalan untuk diperiksa.
Kalau bisa gunakan motor dengan tangki bensi yang berukuran besar. Jika ingin menggunakan motor matic, gunakan matic yang irit bahan bakar. Hal ini sangat penting demi kesehatan kantong Anda.
Rencanakan waktu keberangkatan dengan teliti. Usahakan waktu berangkat touring bukan pada saat jalan sedang macet atau ramai seperti pada hari besar atau waktu liburan. Kebanyakan biker melakukan touring pada malam hari, sebab pada waktu tersebut jalan cenderung lebih kosong dan bebas dari hambatan.
Yang terakhir adalah menjaga kekompakan dengan teman touring. Usahakan sesama rekan berkendara dengan aman dan tanpa saling mendahului apalagi sampai ngebut.